News & Announcements

Dear Erasmus Students

the first tutorial for below courses will take place as follows:

1. Diplomatic and consular law on Monday, 18th April in room 326 at the Department of Law at 9.00 o’clock
2. Public International Law on Monday, 18th April in room 326 at the Department of Law at 10.00 o’clock
3. International organizations on Monday, 18th April in room 326 at the Department of Law at 11.00 o’clock
4. International judiciary on Monday, 18th April in room 326 at the Department of Law at 12.00 o’clock
5. International protecion for refugees on Monday, 18th April in room 326 at the Department of Law at 13.00 o’clock"

Dear Erasmus Students,

the first tutorials for the below mentioned courses will take place on the 20th April, room 101 at the following times:

European Economic Law - 13.30

European Commercial Law - 14.30

Looking forward to meeting you all,

Marzena Radziun



Dear Erasmus Students

we kindly inform that the meetings for the fllowing subjects will take place in room 322 at the Department of Law:
Financial Law – Thursday, 14th April at 11.00 o’clock,
European Union Law – Thursday, 14th April at 13.00 o’clock,
Private International Law - Thursday, 14th April at 14.00 o’clock,
We look forward to welcoming you all.


dr iur. habil. Krystyna Nizioł

Actaiuris Punkt Pomocy Psychologicznej NKCK – Nadzór nad komornikami i czynnościami komorników oraz kontroli finansowej kancelarii komorniczych – szkolenia dla kadry sądów rejonowych

Ogłoszenia Dziekanatów

Ogłoszenia Prawo – studia stacjonarne jednolite magisterskie
Ogłoszenia Prawo – studia niestacjonarne jednolite magisterskie
Ogłoszenia Administracja I stopnia – studia stacjonarne
Ogłoszenia Administracja II stopnia – studia stacjonarne
Ogłoszenia Ekonomiczno-prawny I stopnia – studia stacjonarne
Ogłoszenia Ekonomiczno-prawny II stopnia – studia stacjonarne
Ogłoszenia Stacjonarne studia doktoranckie
Ogłoszenia Niestacjonarne studia doktoranckie
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